Benefits of Playing Sports

I have fond memories of playing a variety of sports in school. Whatever the season was, I was playing on the team. I learned many valuable lessons on the court. Now I’m having a blast watching my “mini-me” dominate like I never could. She wins some and she loses some – that’s one of the benefits of playing sports! The winning is fun, but the losses teach us way more than a win ever will.

benefits of playing sports
valuable lessons

Emotional Benefits of Playing Sports


There are some things in life we simply can’t do on our own. Playing volleyball as a team of one vs a team of six is never going to end well for the one. It goes the same in life. Sometimes we have to be willing to let someone else shine. Cheering their accomplishments from the background.

There is no Substitute for Heart

I’ve seen it more times than I can count. A super talented athlete that is lazy will be outperformed by a mediocre teammate with grit and heart. Heart will take you places that talent never will.

Everyone is Not a Winner

I have never been a fan of the “everyone gets a trophy” philosophy. The lessons We learned from the losses far outweigh the joys of winning later in life. Earning the trophy just feels so much better than being handed one.

There is Always Someone Better Somewhere

Unless you’re Michael Jordan in his day – eventually you will meet your match. When this happens on the court and in life it’s not fun. But it is necessary. It pushes you to be better.

How to Deal With Difficult People

We’ve all ran across them. You know the one. That person that finds your last nerve and jumps on it. Measured responses are the answer more times than not when dealing with difficult people.

Physical Benefits of Playing Sports

Healthy Heart

Heart disease is the number one killer in the US. Studies have shown that participating in sports related activities keeps the heart beating stronger and healthier.

Improved Mood

Kids spend 8 hours a day sitting in a desk in school or staring at a screen if schooled from home. That’s enough to depress the happiest of us. Getting outside and active has been proven to lift the dreary soul.

Lower the Risk of Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association a combination aerobic and strength building activities lowers the chances of type 2 diabetes.

Aids in Weight Management

It’s a no brainer that being active is going to produce a healthier weight than being stagnant. Over 55% of US adults are obese – if you’re looking to shed a few pounds get outside and play with the kids!

Aid in Immunity

The healthier a body is the better suited it is to fight off viruses and illness. Getting sweaty helps the body release toxins, thus flushing some germs before they can take effect.

Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Playing Sports

Whether you are playing on a high school team, rec ball, or pick up ball with old friends, the important thing is to keep moving. Keep learning more about yourself in the process. We are never too old to learn!

Playing sports is great for the physical, mental, and emotional health of kids. By engaging in sports activities, children develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Kids learn so much from playing sports; confidence, commitment, and the ability to work with others. Plus, it’s just plain fun! Let’s get our little athletes in the game–their future selves will thank us for it!

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