Decluttering Before the Holidays

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and good cheer. It’s also a time for messes. Between the extra cooking and baking, and the abundance of gifts, your home can quickly become cluttered and chaotic. Decluttering before the holidays, and all year round, is essential to ensure a calm and organized atmosphere.

Decluttering before the holidays
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Popular hot spots for clutter that can quickly accumulate during the holidays are in the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. In the kitchen, clutter can build up around the stove and refrigerator. In the bedroom, piles of clothes can form on the bed, and in the bathroom, products can stack up in the shower and sink. These are just a few examples – any area of your home can become cluttered during the holidays.

The best way to prevent clutter from building up is to be proactive. Declutter your home regularly, especially before the holidays when there is more temptation to let things pile up. Tackle one area at a time, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends or family members. The holidays should be a time of joy, not stress – so take some time to declutter your home and enjoy your festivities worry free!

5 Tips for Decluttering Before the Holidays

1. Declutter your bathroom.

The bathroom is often one of the most cluttered rooms in the house. Start by decluttering your countertops and cabinets. Keeping your countertops clear of clutter is essential for a tidy and organized bathroom. There are a few simple tricks that can help you keep countertops clutter-free:

•always put products away after use;

•use storage containers and organizers to store products;

•use a caddy to store toiletries;

•keep only the essentials on the countertop.

With these tips on decluttering before the holidays, you can easily keep your countertops clear of clutter and maintain a tidy and organized bathroom.

decluttering before the holidays
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When decluttering your bathroom, be sure to get rid of any expired medications, empty bottles, or other clutter. You also don’t want to store any unnecessary products in your bathroom. This can include products that you don’t use very often, or products that you don’t need year-round. For example, if you only use sunscreen in the summer, then store it somewhere else during the winter. This will free up space in your bathroom and make it easier to keep organized.

2. Declutter your bedroom.

The bedroom is another common hot spot for clutter. Clear out any unnecessary clothing, toys, or other items. Make sure your bed is made and your room is tidy before guests arrive.

Keeping your bedroom clutter-free is essential for a relaxing and organized environment. One of the best ways to prevent clutter from building up is to have a system for organizing your belongings. Here are a few tips for keeping your bedroom organized:

•Create designated storage spaces for each type of item. This will help you to know where everything belongs, and it will make it easier to put things away after use.

•Limit the number of items that you have in your bedroom. This includes clothing, toys, and anything else that takes up space. If you don’t need it, get rid of it.

•Don’t let paperwork accumulate on your nightstand or dresser. Create a file system for important papers, and discard any unnecessary documents.

•Regularly clean out your closet. If you don’t wear something anymore, get rid of it. This will free up space in your closet and make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

decluttering before the holidays
Photo by Dmitry Zvolskiy: Pexels

Decluttering before the holidays includes the kids rooms too! Have your children go through their toy bin and purge toys they no longer play with. Choose toys to donate to a needy family and let your child wrap them up and deliver them. Just make sure you choose the “like new” toys for this. Box up the others for the thrift store. Set a goal of how many toys you want to get rid of and keep working until you reach the goal!

3. Declutter your kitchen.

The kitchen can be a cluttered mess with all of the added cooking and baking. Start by decluttering your countertops and cabinets. Organize your pantry and get rid of any expired food.

This will help to avoid waste and keep your kitchen tidy. Use storage containers to organize your pantry, and make sure everything has a designated space. This will make it easier to find what you’re looking for, and it will prevent clutter from building up.

One way to add storage in a kitchen is to use hanging baskets. These baskets can be hung on the wall or over a door, and they are perfect for storing kitchen items such as spices, utensils, or cookbooks.

Another option is to use a kitchen cart. This is a great way to add extra storage space to your kitchen. The cart can be used to store pots and pans, dishes, or any other cooking supplies.

decluttering before the holidays
Photo by cottonbro: Pexels

You can also add storage by using under-the-cabinet shelves. These shelves are perfect for storing canned food, boxed food, or other kitchen items. They are also a great way to free up countertop space.

Finally, you can add storage by using a pegboard. This is a great way to organize your pots and pans, utensils, or other cooking supplies. The pegboard can be mounted on the wall or on a cabinet door.

4. Keep clutter away.

One of the best ways to keep your home from becoming cluttered is to keep clutter away in the first place. Create designated storage spaces for everything and make sure everyone in the household knows where things go when they’re done using them.

Show your kids how everything has a place and make sure they know where everything goes. This will help to keep their room tidy and prevent clutter from accumulating over time.

You can also help your children to stay organized by giving them designated storage spaces for each type of item. This will help them to know where everything belongs, and it will make it easier to put things away after use.

Finally, make sure your children are regularly cleaning out their toy bin. If they don’t play with something anymore, get rid of it. This will free up space in their toy bin and make it easier to find what they’re looking for.

5. Use holiday-themed storage containers.

Decluttering your home before the holidays means you will need to invest in storage containers. Keeping the containers the same size and color will help keep everything to feel organized.

Labeling your storage containers is important because it helps you to find what you are looking for quickly and easily. It also prevents confusion as to where things belong. If everything is labeled, then everyone in the household will know where to put things when they are finished using them. This will help to keep the home tidy and prevent clutter from building up.

declutter before the holidays

Being organized is important because it helps to keep your home tidy and prevents clutter from building up. It is also helpful in preventing wasted time and energy looking for things that you need. When everything has a designated space, it is easier to find what you are looking for. This saves time and frustration.

How do you keep your home cozy and organized as you head into the Holiday months? I would love more pointers!

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