DIY Scented Candles

Who said scented candles had to cost a fortune? DIYing your own is both fun and incredibly easy. Plus, you can customize the scent to your liking or create one that’s totally unique! So why not spend the afternoon making your own candles? You’ll be surprised at just how simple it is – no fancy equipment necessary. All you need are some basic supplies like wax, wicks, and essential oil of your choice for added fragrance. Plus, you can get creative by using colored wax or even adding dried flowers for an extra special touch. Not only will these homemade goodies make great gifts, but they’ll also give off a soothing aroma, creating a perfect ambiance in any room. So don’t wait any longer – grab those supplies and get creative!

DIY scented candles
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Tips Before You Get Started

Before you rush into buying all the supplies necessary for making your own scented candles, here’s what you need to know about DIYing these sweet-smelling creations.

For starters, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to candle making. Different waxes, wicks, and containers require different techniques, so make sure that you have the right tools and materials before getting started.

To make lavender candles, you will need:

Lavender essential oil
Coconut oil
A candle mold or jar
A wick
A double boiler or saucepan

Lavender essential oil has a calming effect, which makes it perfect for relaxation. Lavender is my favorite, but feel free to use whichever oil is your favorite. Choose an oil that is safe to use with beeswax.


The first step is to melt the beeswax and coconut oil to a double boiler or saucepan. Add the essential oils and stir well. Pour the mixture into the mold or jar and place the wick in the center. The candles will need to harden for at least two hours before lighting them. Enjoy your homemade candles!

Final Thoughts on DIY Scented Candles:

Whether you’re looking for something to brighten up your living space or give as a thoughtful handmade gift, DIY scented candles have you covered. Master the art of scented candle making with just a few simple supplies and you’ll be crafting gifts in no time. So, what are you waiting for? Get out your supplies and start making your own luxurious homemade candles!


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