Help! A Storm Just Took Out My Power! | What to Do Next

Mother Nature can be unpredictable, and sometimes it brings in storms that knock out our power. In the midst of a storm, the loss of power is not just a mere inconvenience, it can also be dangerous. No heating or air conditioning, no lights or means of communication, and no access to fresh food and water can all take a toll. If you find yourself in the middle of such a situation, it’s better to be prepared, so here is what you should do when a storm takes out your power.

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Stock Up on Supplies Before the Storm

Before the storm hits, make sure you have enough supplies to last at least 72 hours without power. This includes food that doesn’t need to be refrigerated, bottled water, batteries, flashlights, and a first-aid kit. Don’t forget to also stock up on any medication you or your family members need.

It’s also important to have good food items in storage for a storm. Stock up on non-perishable staples like canned vegetables, dried beans and rice, cereal, energy bars, and nut butters like peanut butter or sunflower butter. If you have access to a cooler or ice chest, store some dairy products and pre-cooked meats. Additionally, keep an eye out for deals on freeze-dried or canned meats and fruits, which can provide valuable protein. Finally, don’t forget to include some snacks like crackers and granola bars in your emergency food stash. All of these items will be essential if you find yourself without power for a few days.

Stay Warm During a Storm Power Outage

If it’s cold outside and you don’t have heat, it’s important to stay warm to prevent hypothermia. Layer up with warm clothing, blankets, and sleeping bags. You can also use hot water bottles or hand warmers to keep your body temperature up. If you have a fireplace, make sure you have plenty of firewood to keep it going.

When a storm takes out the power, it can become especially dangerous for small children and animals. Make sure to keep them warm by dressing them in layers of warm clothing and blankets. If you have access to hot water, fill up large plastic bottles with hot water and tuck them into their beds or around them on the couch. You can also make a “nest” with extra quilts, pillows, and blankets to keep them cozy. Make sure pets have access to comfortable beds or blankets they can burrow into.

Lastly, if you have any small kids or animals in your home, make sure there is always an adult supervising them in case of an emergency.

Keep Your Food Safe

Without power, your fridge and freezer won’t work, which means your food can spoil quickly. Keep your fridge and freezer doors closed to keep the cold air in as much as possible. If you have items that need to stay cool, like medication or perishable food, store them in a cooler with ice. It’s also a good idea to have non-perishable snacks like crackers and canned goods on hand.

Food storage containers are essential when it comes to preparing for a storm. They can keep your food fresh and safe from spoilage, and provide an easy way to transport items if you need to evacuate the area. The best places to grab food storage containers include home improvement stores, major retail stores, and even online.

When looking for food storage containers, make sure to get quality containers that are air-tight and leak-proof. This will help ensure your food stays fresh and safe during a power outage. Additionally, look for BPA-free containers as they don’t contain any harmful chemicals. Lastly, try to buy containers in different sizes and shapes so that you can store a variety of items and easily fit them in the fridge, freezer, or cupboard. With the right food storage containers, you’ll be better prepared for any storm!

Stay Connected

Losing power can also mean losing communication. Make sure you have a fully charged phone and a backup charger or battery pack. You can also purchase a portable radio to stay up-to-date on the storm and any emergency news or instructions. If you have neighbors or family nearby, check on them to make sure they’re okay and to stay connected with one another.

Stay Safety Conscious During a Storm

When the power goes out, it’s easy to fall into old habits that could be dangerous. Don’t light candles or use any open flames as they could cause a fire. If you’re using a generator, make sure it’s outside and away from open windows to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. And if you’re going outside, make sure to watch your step as debris from the storm could be hazardous.

When the storm is over, there are a few other safety precautions to keep in mind. Check for any structural damage to your home, circuit breakers, or property, and make sure to take pictures of any damages. Additionally, watch out for fallen power lines, and do not try to move them yourself—call your local electric company if you find one. If you’re going outside, be aware of any trees or branches that may have come down in the storm. Finally, always check with your local health department for updates on boil water advisories and other safety warnings. Being prepared and staying safe is essential when dealing with storms and power outages. By following these tips, you can make sure that you’re ready when the storm hits.

Power outages during storms can be stressful, but with a little preparation and a few simple tips, you can stay safe and comfortable until the electricity comes back on. Remember to stay warm, stock up on supplies, keep your food safe, stay connected, and stay safety conscious. With these tips, you’ll be prepared for any storm that comes your way. Stay safe!

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