How to Help Your Homesick College Student Adjust

College can be an exciting time filled with newfound independence, intellectual growth, and endless opportunities for self-discovery. But let’s face it: even the most confident and adventurous students can find themselves yearning for the familiar comforts of home. We’re talking about those homesick college students – that brave species of young adults who, despite being surrounded by bustling campuses and energetic peers, still feel a twinge of longing for their childhood bedrooms and mom’s homemade lasagna. So how can you lend a helping hand to your homesick scholar? Fear not! We’ve got some clever tricks up our sleeves (and under our dorm room beds) to help ease their transition from nostalgic naiveté to collegiate conqueror.

homesick college student
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Understanding the Challenges of a Homesick College Student.

Feeling like a homesick college student is like being trapped in an emotional roller coaster with no exit plan. From the moment you step foot on campus, nostalgia hits harder than your roommate’s alarm clock at 6 a.m. Suddenly, everything reminds you of home: the smell of freshly baked cookies in the dining hall triggers memories of your mom’s kitchen, while a glimpse of a squirrel scampering across the quad makes you crave lazy afternoons spent lounging in your backyard. It’s as if every leaf that falls from the trees is whispering you should have stayed home!

But fear not, my fellow collegiate wanderers! Understanding these challenges and embracing them can actually be beneficial for our personal growth. The initial wave of nostalgia may feel overwhelming, but it also serves as a gentle reminder of the comfort and familiarity we left behind. It is a natural response to change and an indication that we have formed strong connections with our roots. As we navigate through this new chapter in our lives, it becomes crucial to acknowledge these emotions rather than suppress them.

Encouraging Communication: Keeping lines open for support.

First things first, technology is your best friend. FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp – these are all tools that can bridge the gap between you and your loved ones back home. So grab your phone or laptop and make use of them! Schedule regular video calls with your family and friends; it’s almost like having them right there with you. Plus, they’ll appreciate seeing that adorable dorm room poster collection behind your head.

Another tip to combat homesickness is to find a support system within your college community. Many colleges and universities have various student clubs and organizations that cater to different interests and hobbies. Joining a club or organization related to your passion can help you meet like-minded individuals who can become part of your support system. Whether it’s a sports team, an academic group, or a social club, being surrounded by people who share similar interests can make you feel more at home.

Creating a Familiar Environment: Bringing home to college.

Being a homesick college student is like being caught in an emotional tug-of-war between your newfound independence and the comforting embrace of your childhood abode. But fear not, my fellow scholars! You can bring a slice of home with you to campus and create a familiar environment that will help ease those pangs of homesickness.

First things first, let’s talk about bedding. Say goodbye to those stiff dorm mattresses and invest in some cozy sheets that remind you of your childhood bed. Whether it’s the feel of your favorite flannel or the smell of freshly laundered linen, having familiar bedding can instantly transport you back to the snug embrace of home sweet home.

Now, let’s move on to decor. Embrace your inner interior designer and personalize your dorm room with items that remind you of cherished memories or loved ones. Hang up photos of your family and friends, displaying them proudly on your walls or arranging them in a beautiful collage. Every time you glance at those smiling faces, you’ll be reminded of the love and support waiting for you back home. Consider setting up a corkboard or a string with clothespins to easily swap out pictures as new memories are made.

Things to include in a care package to your homesick college student:

  • A handwritten letter or card filled with encouraging words and love from home.
  • Their favorite snacks or treats that may not be easily available at their college town.
  • Photos of family, friends, and pets to remind them of loved ones.
  • A cozy blanket or pillow to provide comfort and remind them of home.
  • A playlist of their favorite songs or a CD with music that reminds them of happy memories.
  • A small care package filled with essentials like toothpaste, shampoo, and other personal care items they may have forgotten to pack.
  • A small memento or trinket that holds sentimental value, such as a keychain or a piece of jewelry.
  • A prepaid gift card to their favorite local restaurant or coffee shop near their college campus, so they can treat themselves to something familiar and comforting.
  • Homemade goodies: Include some of their favorite homemade treats, such as cookies, brownies, or a loaf of freshly baked bread. This will not only satisfy their cravings but also remind them of home.

Encouraging Involvement: Joining clubs and activities.

Feeling like a homesick college student? Don’t worry, we’ve got the perfect solution for you! It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and join some exciting clubs and activities on campus. Say goodbye to those lonely nights in your dorm room, and hello to a vibrant social life that will make your parents jealous.

But why should you bother joining clubs, you may ask? Well, besides the obvious benefit of making new friends who share your interests, it’s also an opportunity for personal growth. Whether it’s joining the debate team to sharpen your argumentative skills or signing up for salsa dancing classes to unleash your inner Shakira, these activities offer much more than just a sense of belonging – they can help you discover hidden talents and passions you never knew existed! So go ahead and take that leap of faith!

Seeking Professional Help When Needed: Counseling resources.

Whether you’re missing your mom’s home-cooked meals or longing for the familiar scent of your childhood bedroom, counseling resources are here to save the day. These magical wizards of mental well-being can provide guidance and support when life away from home feels overwhelming.

Picture this: a cozy office where you can spill your guts to someone who won’t judge you for ugly-crying over reruns of Friends. That’s right, counselors are trained professionals who specialize in helping students overcome homesickness and other emotional challenges that arise during their academic journey. With their superpowers of empathetic listening and sage advice, they’ll make sure those tears turn into laughter faster than you can say I miss my dog.

Managing The College Stress Epidemic was offered by Generations College, a community college in Chicago


Final Thoughts on Helping Your Homesick College Student

We’ve reached the end of our journey on how to help your homesick college student, and boy, what a rollercoaster it’s been! From care packages filled with snacks to surprise visits that may or may not result in tears (of joy or embarrassment – who can tell?), we’ve covered it all. But before we bid adieu to this adventure, let’s take a moment to reflect on some final thoughts for those brave parents trying their best to cure their offspring’s homesickness.

Firstly, remember that homesickness is as natural as the sudden urge to eat an entire pizza after a breakup. It’s bound to happen in college life, where they’re surrounded by strangers and laundry piles taller than them. So don’t panic at the first sign of sniffles during your weekly FaceTime session; it just means they miss you! Secondly, it’s important to acknowledge that homesickness can manifest in different ways for each individual. Some may become withdrawn and quiet, while others may exhibit more overt signs like frequent crying or irritability. Understanding that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with homesickness will help you better support your child.

Next, encourage your child to establish a routine and get involved on campus. Joining clubs or sports teams can provide a sense of community and familiarity, making the transition easier.


  • Mosaic Art

    That is always tough to adjust, I’ve been through the same and had to burry myself with books to keep my mind occupied.

  • Leanne Wong

    It can be so hard transitioning from living at home to being away at college. It’s a huge change, even for the most independent kids.

  • Brianne

    Oh, gosh. I remember how hard it was when I first moved off to college. I was fairly independent, but it was still so hard to be away from my family.

  • Beth

    I love these tips so much. Going off to college can be a difficult time for kids. It’s a huge change in their lives.

  • Elise Ho

    I remember that time in my dughter’s life. There was so much excitement to go but then homesickness set in. Thankfully, she was just a short plane ride away.

  • Rose Ann Sales

    This is a really great post, I’m gonna share this with my sister who is a college teacher. Thanks for sharing this!

  • Fransic verso

    I agree with you. It’s good to tell them to be sick and they will get better. Thank you for sharing these great tips!

  • pooja Malkani

    Tackling home sickness is such an important thing for new college students. I remember how difficult it was for me

  • Ntensibe Edgar

    Nnniiiccceeee…I love the fact that empathy and kindness are fully put to use here. Homesickness is one of the hardest things to deal with and it often comes with things like distress and other body ailments.

  • Marky Ramone Go

    This is a good list to follow for parents and college students alike as homesickness is really hard to get over with

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