5 Signs Your Puppy is Sick and What to Do About It

It’s a heartbreaking moment when you realize your beloved puppy is sick. It’s hard not to panic when you notice your furry family friend isn’t acting right. They can’t exactly tell you what’s wrong! Fear not, though! You can help your four-legged friend get back on their paws.

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Signs That Your Puppy Is Sick

Is your furry little friend not feeling like themselves lately? Nothing breaks a pet owner’s heart more than seeing their little furball feeling under the weather. A normally playful pup who suddenly becomes withdrawn or irritable may be trying to tell you something. Remember that when your puppy is sick, prevention is better than cure.

Loss of Appetite

Loss of appetite is a common occurrence when a puppy is sick. As a pet parent, it can be quite worrisome to see your furry friend not interested in their food. But fear not, there are several reasons why your puppy may be turning their nose up at mealtime.

Firstly, it could simply be that your pup is experiencing tummy troubles. Just like us humans, our pets can have upset stomachs from time to time. Maybe they ate something they shouldn’t have or caught a bug – either way, their lack of appetite could just be a symptom of an underlying issue.

Another reason for your puppy’s loss of appetite could be due to stress or anxiety. Yes, you read that right – even dogs get anxious!

Lethargy or Lack of Energy

Lack of energy in puppies can be caused by a variety of factors, it could mean puppy is sick or they could simply be tired after playtime. One common culprit for lethargy in pups is dehydration. Make sure your furry friend has access to plenty of fresh water throughout the day and monitor their drinking habits. If your puppy can’t shake the lethargy after a little bit – it’s time for reinforcements! Call the vet and get some expert advice!

Change in Behavior

As a puppy owner, you become accustomed to your furry friend’s habits and routines. So when your pup starts acting like a completely different animal, it can be alarming. It’s important to take action immediately and seek veterinary care when needed. Your once playful and energetic pup might seem lethargic or uninterested in activities they used to love. They may also become irritable or unusually aggressive, which could signal pain or discomfort. Keep an eye out for changes in appetite or bathroom habits as well – these could also indicate an underlying health issue. It’s important not to dismiss any changes in behavior as “just a phase”. A change in behavior is a good indication that your sweet puppy is sick.

Vomiting or Diarrhea

Ah, the joys of puppy ownership. From chewed-up shoes to potty training mishaps, we’ve all been there. But what do you do when your furry puppy is sick and feeling under the weather? Specifically, when they’re experiencing either vomiting or diarrhea – or worse yet, both?! The two most common symptoms that puppies experience when they’re feeling under the weather are vomiting and diarrhea. As unpleasant as it may be for us humans to witness (and clean up), vomiting and diarrhea are actually common in puppies. The key thing is to ensure your pup stays hydrated and comfortable while their body works its way through whatever’s causing the issue.

Respiratory Issues

Oh no, your furry friend is feeling under the weather! One area of concern that often goes overlooked is respiratory issues. But fear not, dear pet parent! Here are some tips and tricks for dealing with respiratory issues in your sickly canine. First off, it’s important to recognize the signs of respiratory distress in puppies. These may include coughing, wheezing, labored breathing, or even blueish gums or tongue (yikes!). Don’t play Dr. Google and try to diagnose them yourself – leave that for the professionals (unless you’re a licensed veterinarian reading this article…in which case, carry on).

What to Do When Your Puppy is Sick

Having a sick puppy is the ultimate bummer. BUT there are steps pet moms and dads can take to alleviate some discomfort until the puppy is back to their cheerful self.

Don’t Panic

First things first: don’t panic! It’s natural to worry about your little buddy, but freaking because puppy is sick out won’t help anyone (especially not your puppy). This is one of those “practice the pause” situations. Is this an emergency? If so, call your vet ASAP. If it’s not a true emergency, take a look at some of these suggestions.

Hydration Station

Make sure your sick pup has access to plenty of fresh water. Dehydration can make things worse and nobody wants that.


It could be as simple as “burping a baby”, with a little manipulation you could ease the pain. Plus, it’s a great way to comfort them!

Natural Remedies for When Your Puppy Is Sick

  • Raw Carrots (for upset tummy) – You can give your dog a raw carrot or feed them some carrot juice.
  • Honey (to soothe a sore throat) – You can feed honey to your dog or mix it into their food.
  • Ginger (to soothe a sore tummy) – You can give them a piece of ginger or a bit of ginger tea.
  • Coconut Oil (for upset tummy) – This oil is also great for your pup’s skin and fur. (Caution: If your dog has diarrhea, do not give them coconut oil. They could end up with a blockage in their colon or an infection.)

Final Thoughts on Symptoms and Relief When Your Puppy is Sick

Ah, the woes of having a sick puppy. But don’t worry, we’ve got some final thoughts for you on symptoms and relief when your puppy is sick. Keep an eye out for those pesky symptoms. Is your pup lethargic? Are they vomiting or experiencing diarrhea? These are all signs that something may be amiss in their pup-tastic little body. But fear not! There are also plenty of ways to provide relief for your pupper while they’re feeling under the weather. A cozy spot to cuddle up in, some extra treats (in moderation, of course), and lots of love will go a long way toward making your furry family feel better.

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