Front Yard Christmas Decorations and Beautifully Colored Winter Flowers

Winter is here and so are our holiday spirits! The festive season brings forth a lot of reasons to spice up our homes and yards. If you are a homeowner you might want to enjoy the holidays with outdoor Christmas decorating with your family, if you are a home investor or a property manager, you might need to decorate for business. Nothing is more inviting to guests than beautifully decorated front yards at Christmas. Maybe you have found the perfect decorations but find it difficult to get the right type of flowers for your project. Contrary to what you might think, there is a big variety of beautifully colored winter flowers you can choose from.

Christmas Decoration Ideas Outdoor
image by dmitrytph | Freepik

Christmas Decoration Ideas Outdoor

There are many ways for you to decorate your front yard for Christmas. You may be going for a minimalist aesthetic and just pick one of our ideas, but if you are in the mood to be festive, you can throw it all together and create a majestic winter wonderland in your front yard.

1. Outdoor Christmas Tree

One might think one Christmas tree is enough to honor the tradition, however, enough is not what we want. We want a joyful and creative household. You can put up as big of a Christmas tree as you want in your front yard, hitting the ceiling will not be an issue. A Christmas tree is going to make your outdoor holiday decorations stand out. If your family cannot decide on a direction to go with, you have the liberty of decorating two Christmas trees in two different styles!

2. Decked Door

Nothing says “welcome” to guests at Christmas quite like a lit-up and decorated door. You can prepare your guests for a beautifully decorated home by preparing an outstanding entry. If hanging a wreath is not creative enough for you, you can hang a mistletoe and put a small gift bag by the door!

3. Fairy Lights

Putting up the Christmas lights in your preferred pattern is bound to spark joy in your family members’ hearts. You can add lights to the door decorations list. You can even outline the entire exterior of your house and porch with a long string of fairy lights. Whether you like white and yellow lights or colorful reds, greens, and blues, your property will look inviting, festive, and magnificent in contrast to the cold snowy winter.

4. Santa Claus & The Deer

Imagine shining, golden deer guiding you toward your own home. Deer figures with Christmas lights are popular in suburbs. If you want to amaze your neighbors, use different figures to mimic the North Pole and Santa’s little workshop. You can also use these figures to put them up on the roof and give the impression of Santa Claus coming to give presents.

5. Beautifully Colored Flowers

You may think that sparkly and shiny decorations are not enough. Once the sun rises, it’s hard to see the fairy lights or Santa Claus on your roof. Some homeowners like to decorate their homes with beautiful and colorful flowers in the winter.

Christmas Decoration Ideas Outdoor
image by paintingcat | Freepik


These beauties come in different colors. You can find Camellias in shy, blushing pink, snowy white, or blood red. These winter flowers are almost magical as you can find them divided into two colors, white and pink, reminding us of the Heart Queen’s roses and the amazing thing is, they are real and not a fairytale. You can give your front porch a magnificent look by choosing these fantastic flowers to make your house attractive in the daylight.

Viola Odorata (Sweet Violet)

As you might have guessed from the name, Viola Odorata is a lovely violet flower. They are tiny and you can plant a lot of them in your front yard. You can believe us when we tell you that against the white snow, these little things will add a magical touch to the yard and they are even edible.


If you are a fan of screaming colors, Pansies are the flowers for you. With the red center, yellow middle, and purple outline these flowers are going to take the spotlight when planted in the snow. Pansies are very strong little flowers as they can perfectly maintain their form in the lowest temperature but can also withstand heat. If you choose to plant pansies in your front yard, you will have beautiful flowers decorating your yard during Christmas and in the summer.

Heuchera (Coral Bells)

Christmas loves the color red, and it loves the sound of bells. The Heuchera are exactly those two things combined. If you want to decorate your front yard in winter with beautiful flowers, but also honor the holiday features, these are the flowers for you. Although Coral Bells are usually evergreen, they show their true red color on colder days.


Whether you prefer to put up shining decorations around your house during Christmas or get lovely Christmas flowers, your front yard will look amazing if you use the correct way. You can put both Christmas decorations and winter flowers together to put your property in the spotlight during cold, but beautiful winter days and even colder, but magnificent winter nights.


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