Fall Crafts for Kids

Fall is a season of change. The air becomes cooler, and the days become shorter. Fall is also a time for family gatherings and fun fall activities. One of our favorite fall activities is crafting together. Crafting with kids is a great way to spend time together and create memories that will last a lifetime. It can also be a fun way to teach your children new skills, and help them learn about colors, shapes, and textures. Kids of all ages will enjoy these 9 fall crafts for kids.

9 Fall Crafts for Kids

Leaf Rubbing

One of the simplest autumn crafts for kids is to make a leaf rubbing. Simply place a leaf between two pieces of paper and rub over the top with a crayon or pencil. This will create a beautiful abstract design.

fall crafts for kids
beautiful decorations

When choosing a leaf for leaf rubbing, it is important to select one with a smooth surface. The leaves of some trees, such as the oak, are covered in tiny bumps and wrinkles, which will not produce a good rubbing. It is also important to find a leaf that is big enough to fit comfortably between two pieces of paper.

Fall Leaf Suncatchers

These beautiful suncatchers are made using leaves and contact paper. First, gather a selection of colorful fall leaves. Then, cut a piece of contact paper to fit a window, or any other flat surface. Place the contact paper sticky-side up and arrange the leaves on top. You can use as many or as few leaves as you like.

Once the leaves are in place, cover them with another piece of contact paper, sticky-side down. Use a rolling pin to flatten the contact paper and leaves. Then, cut out any desired shape, and hang the suncatcher in a window to enjoy.

Leaf Wreath

Another easy craft is to make a leaf wreath. You’ll need some green pipe cleaners, leaves in different colors and shapes, and some ribbon or string. Simply twist the pipe cleaners around the stem of each leaf, and then attach the leaves to each other by threading the ribbon through the pipe cleaner loops. Once all the leaves are attached, you can hang the wreath up as decoration.

You can also add other elements to your wreath, such as berries, acorns, or small pumpkins. Get creative and have fun with these fall crafts for kids!

Pumpkin Suncatchers

These suncatchers are similar to the leaf suncatchers described above, but with a pumpkin twist. First, cut a pumpkin in half, and scoop out the seeds and pulp. Then, use a spoon or your fingers to scrape the inside of the pumpkin into thin strips.

Next, cut a piece of contact paper to fit a window, or any other flat surface. Place the contact paper sticky-side up and arrange the pumpkin strips on top. You can use as many or as few strips as you like. Once the strips are in place, cover them with another piece of contact paper, sticky-side down. Use a rolling pin to flatten the contact paper and pumpkin strips.

Then, cut out any desired shape, and hang the suncatcher in a window to enjoy.

Yarn-Wrapped Pumpkins

These cute pumpkins are made using real pumpkins, yarn, and glue. First, cut a small hole in the top of each pumpkin. Then, insert the end of a skein of yarn into the hole, and start wrapping the yarn around the pumpkin. Continue wrapping until the entire pumpkin is covered.

Cut the yarn and glue the end in place. Then, use scissors to trim the yarn around the bottom of the pumpkin, so that it resembles a pumpkin stem. These pumpkins make beautiful decorations and can also be used as fall-themed centerpieces or table decorations.


If your child enjoys painting, why not try making an autumn-themed painting? You can use acrylic paint, watercolors, or even tempera paint. The possibilities are endless – you could paint trees, leaves, pumpkins, or even a scene from an autumn day.

If you’re using acrylic or watercolor paint, your child can simply paint on a piece of paper. If you’re using tempera paint, your child could first paint a background scene onto a piece of construction paper. Then, they can use their fingerprints to make leaf prints all over the paper. This is a fun and easy way to create beautiful fall crafts for kids.

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Pinecone Birds

These adorable birds are made using pinecones, felt, googly eyes, and feathers. First, glue two small pieces of felt to the back of each pinecone, forming wings. Then, glue on a googly eye and a small beak. Finally, glue a feather to each wing.

These pinecone birds make beautiful decorations and can also be used as part of a nature table display.

Paper Plate Apple

This craft is perfect for younger kids, or for anyone who wants a quick and easy project. You’ll need a paper plate, red and green paint, a black marker, and some yarn.

First, paint the entire paper plate red. Then, use the green paint to add a stem and leaves. Once the paint is dry, use the black marker to add a face. Finally, cut a small hole in the top of the apple, and thread some yarn through it. Hang the apple up as decoration.

3D Paper Pumpkin

If you’re looking for a more challenging project, you could try making a 3D paper pumpkin. This involves folding and cutting paper into specific shapes, and it takes a bit of patience and skill. But the end result is really worth it!

You’ll need two pieces of orange construction paper, one piece of green construction paper, scissors, glue, and a pencil. First, fold each piece of orange paper in half lengthwise. Then, use the scissors to cut 1-inch strips along the folded edge of each sheet of paper. Next, Accordion fold each strip of paper, making sure to keep all the folds going in the same direction.

Now, take one of the accordion-folded strips and glue it to the green construction paper, forming a stem. Then, glue the other strip of paper to the first one, forming a pumpkin shape. Finally, cut out leaf shapes from the green paper, and glue them around the stem.

These are just a few examples of easy fall crafts for kids. There are endless possibilities when it comes to crafting with kids, so get creative and have fun!

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