Hands Numb While Sleeping – Here’s What You Need to Know

Waking up with numb hands can be worrisome, but more often than not, it isn’t serious. It could indicate a mild sleeping disorder like sleep apnea or carpal tunnel syndrome, or a nerve compression injury from an uncomfortable position during sleep. However, it’s important to consult your doctor as there may be underlying medical causes as well.

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Hands Numb While Sleeping – It Could be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common cause of numb hands when sleeping. It occurs when the median nerve becomes compressed in the wrist due to an injury, illness, or poor posture during sleep. If left untreated, position during sleep can become quite serious and affect the range of motion in your hand, arm, and even neck. Treatment usually involves rest, physical therapy, and possibly surgery if necessary.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness, tingling, or even a “pins and needles” sensation in the palm and fingers. The condition can also cause hand weakness, loss of concentration, trouble sleeping, and difficulty with daily tasks such as typing or writing. If you are experiencing numbness in your hands while sleeping, it is essential to talk to your doctor immediately to determine the cause and get the proper treatment. Not only will this help reduce your symptoms but it will also help prevent more serious damage from happening down the road.

Pressure From Sleeping Position Can Cause Hands Numb While Sleeping

Numb hands when sleeping can also be caused by pressure from sleeping in a position that puts strain on your hands, wrists, and arms. If you find yourself waking up with numb hands, try changing your sleeping position to reduce the pressure on your limbs while resting. Sleeping on your back or side instead of your stomach can help alleviate this issue, as can using a special pillow designed specifically to support the curves of the spine and shoulders.

Additionally, investing in a mattress and other bedding materials that provide better support can help reduce numbness while sleeping. Look for mattress and pillow materials that are contoured to fit the natural curves of your body and disperse pressure evenly along the surface of the bed. A good mattress should be firm enough to offer you sufficient support at all points, but it should also be cushioned enough to eliminate uncomfortable pressure points. If you already have a mattress you like, adding supportive pillows can also make a difference in how rested you feel upon waking up.

Hands Numb While Sleeping Can Be Attributed to Diabetes and Other Diseases

Numbness in the hands, particularly when sleeping, can also be a sign of diabetes, lupus, and other serious diseases. Blood sugar imbalances can cause fatigue, and position during sleep if not managed properly, with the hands being at particular risk. If you experience numbness or tingling for an extended period of time it may be best to speak to your doctor about it to identify a cause. In addition, autoimmune diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis can sometimes result in numbing or tingling sensations in the extremities.

People with diabetes can experience an array of nerve problems, ranging from pain and tingling to paralysis. High levels of sugar in the blood damage nerves and blood vessels, leading to a range of complications known as diabetic neuropathy. Numbness and tingling are two of the warning signs that something is off balance in your body. If you experience these symptoms, no matter how innocuous they may seem at first, it is important to consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis and the best course of action.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency is a Not so Common Cause of Hands Numb While Sleeping

Another possible cause of numb hands when sleeping could be a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is vital for keeping all your systems and organs functioning properly; it helps fuel the production of red blood cells, for example. When there’s a lack of B12 in the body, it can lead to numbness or tingling in the extremities, including the hands. If you’ve been having difficulty sleeping due to this issue, it would be worthwhile to get checked for vitamin deficiencies.

If you think a deficiency in B12 could be to blame for your numb hands, speak to your doctor about having tests done. It is possible to take supplements of B12 in the form of oral tablets, capsules, or injections if necessary. Additionally, by making dietary changes and including more foods that are rich in B12 – like fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products – it can help improve the overall levels of this vitamin in your body.

Anxiety and Stress Levels Contribute to Many Illnesses

Stress and anxiety can also cause numb hands when sleeping as they put an immense amount of pressure on your body and mind. This can cause your body to switch off or go into protection mode, which in turn leads to feelings of numbness in different parts of the body including your hands. If you feel that this could be the cause of your numb hands then it’s important to take steps to reduce stress and practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or mindfulness.

In addition to these relaxation techniques, try to identify any triggers or habits that could be contributing to your numb hands. Unhealthy dietary habits such as excessive caffeine intake or alcohol consumption can make symptoms worse and affect your sleep quality. Other lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise and poor posture can also contribute to the feeling of numbness in your hands, so making small changes throughout your day could help you find relief from this symptom.

Symptoms of Hand Numbness

This condition can be pretty uncomfortable and even scary, but fortunately, there are ways to deal with it. Here are some symptoms you should look out for if you’re experiencing hand numbness:

Firstly, if you feel an electric shock-like sensation running through your arm or wrist, this could be an early sign that your hands will soon go numb. Secondly, if you find yourself frequently shaking or rubbing your hands to get rid of the numbness during sleep, this is another symptom that shouldn’t be ignored. Thirdly, tingling sensations in the fingers can also precede hand numbness.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar to you, don’t panic!

Treatment for Hand Numbness

One of the most effective ways to treat hand numbness is to adjust your sleeping position. Try sleeping on your back with a pillow under each arm to help take some of the pressure off those nerves. You can also try wearing wrist splints at night to keep your hands in a neutral position and prevent them from bending in ways that aggravate the nerves.

Another option for treating hand numbness is physical therapy. A trained therapist can work with you to develop exercises that will help improve circulation and flexibility in your hands, wrists, and arms.

Prevention of Hand Numbness

Hand numbness during sleep is often caused by poor circulation or nerve compression, so the key to preventing it is improving blood flow and reducing pressure on your nerves.

Firstly, try changing your sleeping position. Sleeping with your arms above your head can cause compression of the nerves in your upper arm, leading to hand numbness. Instead, try sleeping on your back with a pillow under each arm to keep them supported and reduce pressure on the nerves.

Secondly, adjust the temperature in your bedroom. If you’re too cold at night, your body may constrict blood vessels to conserve heat. This can limit blood flow to your extremities and lead to hand numbness. Another solution could be wearing gloves or keeping your hands warm at night, especially during colder months when the temperature drops.

If you spend long hours typing on a computer or using handheld devices, you may also be at risk for hand numbness. Take frequent breaks and stretch your hands regularly throughout the day to keep them limber and healthy. Additionally, try not to grip objects too tightly as this can put unnecessary pressure on nerves and contribute to the problem.

When to See a Doctor for Hands Numb While Sleeping

Are your hands getting frequent and causing discomfort, it might be time to see a doctor. Depending on the severity of the issue, doctors might prescribe medication or suggest lifestyle changes like exercise or stretching. If left untreated, numbness can lead to more serious conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Don’t ignore the discomfort! If your hands are consistently going numb during sleep, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. By addressing the issue early on, you can prevent further complications down the line and get back to restful nights of sleep!

Final Thoughts on Hands Numb While Sleeping

If you’ve ever woken up with numb hands, you know how uncomfortable and frustrating it can be. Not only does it make it difficult to do anything with your hands until the feeling returns, but it can also be a sign of an underlying health condition. Here are some final thoughts on why you might experience numbness in your hands while sleeping and what you can do about it.

Firstly, poor sleeping posture is often the culprit behind numb hands. When we sleep on our side or stomach with our arms under us or above our heads, blood flow to our extremities gets restricted. This results in a tingling sensation or complete numbing of the hands that continues even after waking up. To counter this, try switching to sleeping on your back with arms by your side.

Alternatively, you can use a wedge pillow that elevates the head and shoulders. This is a great option for side sleepers as well because it keeps the spine in proper alignment.

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