Natural Bug Repellant

Looking for a natural way to keep the bugs at bay? Look no further than this Essential Oil Bug Repellant Spray! Made with essential oils, it’s a safe and effective way to keep your family bug-free all season long. So, ditch the chemicals and give this natural spray a try! This bug repellant spray can be made with a blend of lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint essential oils. All of these oils are known for their bug-repelling properties, making them the perfect choice for this natural bug repellant.

natural bug repellant
tea tree plant

Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

This oil is derived from the lemon eucalyptus tree, and it’s known for its citronella-like scent. Lemon eucalyptus oil is so effective at repelling bugs that it’s actually used in many commercial insect repellents. When diffused, this oil can help keep mosquitoes, flies, and other insects away.

Peppermint Oil

Not only does peppermint oil smell refreshing, but it’s also a natural insecticide. This oil is derived from the peppermint plant, and it can help repel ants, spiders, cockroaches, and even mice. Peppermint oil can help keep your home bug-free, making it perfect for a natural bug repellant.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is derived from the lavender plant, and it has a relaxing scent that’s perfect for summertime. This oil can also help repel insects like mosquitoes and moths. Lavender oil can help create a peaceful atmosphere while also keeping bugs away.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is derived from the tea tree plant, and it has a wide range of uses beyond being a natural bug repellant. This oil can be used to treat skin conditions like acne, but it can also help repel insects. When diffused, tea tree oil can help keep bugs like ants and fleas away.

What You’ll Need to Make Your Own Natural Bug Repellant Spray:

  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 1/2 cup witch hazel
  • 10-15 drops of essential oil (I like to use a mix of eucalyptus, lavender, and lemon)
  • Spray bottle

Instructions for Natural Bug Repellant:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well.
  1. Spray on exposed skin as needed.
  1. Enjoy your bug-free summer!

This essential oil bug repellent spray is a natural and effective way to keep the bugs at bay. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make this spray at home with ease. The witch hazel and essential oils work together to repel insects, while the distilled water helps to dilute the oils, so they are not too strong for your skin. This spray is safe to use on both adults and children and can be applied as often as needed. So, go ahead and enjoy your summer without worrying about pesky bugs ruining your fun!

Parting Words

These four essential oils are great for keeping bugs away all season long. So go ahead and enjoy your backyard barbecue without worrying about those pesky mosquitoes! What do you use to keep your outdoor family gatherings bug-free? We would love to hear your tips in the comments below!

Be sure and check out our post on the top uses for lavender oil! It is such an amazing, and my favorite, of all of the essential oils that I use!


  • Luna S

    This will come in handy to know! The mosquitos here this year have been crazy, last time I went out to do yard work I didn’t know how many were out and I came in with a bunch of bites. Thanks for sharing this.

  • Beth

    I’m so excited to try these! Regular deet-based repellents make my skin burn, so I usually just have to endure the bites. Thank you!

  • Nyxie

    I’ve been swearing by essential oils for dealing with bugs for years. Especially peppermint and spiders! The stuff most people buy over the counter is much too expensive and often smells terrible.

  • Jennifer Prince

    Yes!!! I have all of these oils and didn’t realize they’d repel bugs. I’m totally doing this next time I’m outside at night!

  • Patricia Chamberlain

    I can’t wait to make my own bug stray. I always hate using commercially made stuff because I worry about the toxic ingredients.

  • Melanie williams

    This is PERFECT!! I would much prefer to make my own pray for bugs than use the chemical loaded ones, so thanks for this x

  • Melanie E

    That sounds like a really good essential oil combination. The great thing is it covers a range of bugs and is easy to use. Plus it smells amazing. I use all these oils myself. Love them x

  • Mila R

    Oh, finally something for me! I am looking for most natural way to keep the bugs away as I’m not even using any commercial cosmetics.

  • Christine

    Yes, I am always looking for a natural bug repellant because my son and I are allergic to mosquitoes. I definitely want to try these. Thank you! We put these plants on our back deck too.

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