Top 101 New Years Resolution List for 2023

As the year comes to a close, now is the perfect time to think about what we want to do differently in 2023. With so many possibilities, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which resolutions are most important. That’s why we’ve put together this New Year’s Resolution Top 101 list! This helpful guide contains a range of ideas that will help you set yourself up for success in 2023. From getting more organized and learning something new every day, to taking time out for yourself and exploring the world around you, this list has something for everyone. Whether your goal is big or small, there’s sure to be an option that resonates with you on our top 101 list. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get inspired and plan your dreams for 2023!

New Years Resolution List
image by jofreepik | Freekpik
  1. Get in shape
  2. Spend time with family and friends
  3. Learn something new every day
  4. Read a book
  5. Take up a new hobby
  6. Spend time in nature
  7. Listen to music
  8. Get organized
  9. Travel more
  10. Buy an apartment or house
  11. Write a book
  12. Volunteer
  13. Watch less TV
  14. Eat better
  15. Learn to cook something new every month
  16. Grow your hair out
  17. Start a blog
  18. Learn to play an instrument
  19. Get a pet
  20. Learn to dance
  21. Take a photography class
  22. Learn how to drive a car
  23. Travel the world
  24. Go back to school
  25. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  26. Start a business
  27. Create something new
  28. Write a book
  29. Learn to speak a new language
  30. Do yoga for at least 10 minutes every day
  31. Sing in a choir
  32. Perform on stage
  33. Become vegan or vegetarian
  34. Get a gym membership
  35. Go camping with friends
  36. Spend less time on your phone
  37. Join a book club
  38. Be more social
  39. Become an activist
  40. Find a new hobby such as painting or drawing
  41. Set up a website
  42. Share your talent with others
  43. Produce your own music
  44. Get involved in local politics
  45. Host a dinner party
  46. Take a walk everyday
  47. Go to church or another religious service
  48. Start a podcast
  49. Set up an Etsy store
  50. Do something that scares you
  51. Figure out your life purpose
  52. Visit new places everyday
  53. Work on your relationship with your parents
  54. Join an improv comedy class
  55. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
  56. On the weekend, go to the beach or another place outside of your home
  57. Commit to meditating for 10 minutes every day
  58. Wake up earlier
  59. Go on a road trip
  60. Do something that you’ ‘re passionate about
  61. Take a class at your local community college
  62. Check out a book from the library
  63. Go to the movies every month
  64. Go on a relaxing vacation
  65. Get involved in your community
  66. Make new friends
  67. Plan a date night every month with your spouse
  68. Go to a concert
  69. Find your dream job
  70. Do something nice for someone else
  71. Go on a hike
  72. Get enough sleep
  73. Plan for retirement
  74. Be kinder and more compassionate toward others
  75. Have a personal retreat
  76. Help someone with their problems
  77. Relax and have fun
  78. Find ways to improve your home and yard
  79. Treat yourself more often
  80. Compliment others
  81. See your doctor regularly
  82. Go on a bike ride
  83. Pay off your debt
  84. Save for a vacation
  85. Quit smoking
  86. Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you Volunteer Get enough sleep
  87. Setup a budget and stick to it
  88. Do more around the house
  89. Spend time alone
  90. Play with your kids and pets
  91. Declutter your home, one room at a time
  92. Stop drinking caffeine
  93. Take a bubble bath
  94. See a doctor about that pain in your back
  95. Stop procrastinating
  96. Download that app you’ve been meaning to
  97. Join a club
  98. Find an accountability partner
  99. Start working on your novel
  100. Stop judging others
  101. Start expressing gratitude

Final Thoughts

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, most of us will be looking forward to a new year and making New Year’s resolutions. With so many different goals to choose from, it can be hard to decide which ones are truly worth pursuing. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve put together our list of the top 100 New Year’s resolutions for 2023.

From setting better boundaries with family and friends to reaching financial security, each resolution will set you up for success in the coming year. We’ve also included some fun suggestions like spending more time outdoors, learning something new or taking a class online – because sometimes it’s important to focus on yourself too! Whether you’re hoping for a healthier lifestyle or wanting to give back more in 2023, this list has something for everyone.

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