4 Tips for Preparing Your RV for Dormancy During Winter

Winter has arrived and it’s time to start thinking about preparing your RV from the harsh conditions that come with the season. Whether you live in a colder climate or just park your RV somewhere for a few months, it’s important to take proper measures to ensure that your vehicle is protected. Proper preparation can make a huge difference in the longevity and overall condition of your RV. And no one wants to come back to a damaged RV when the snow eventually melts away. Here are some tips on how to prepare your RV for dormancy during the winter season.

preparing your RV
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Clean Your RV Thoroughly When Preparing Your RV for Winter

Begin with a complete interior and exterior cleaning. For the interior, vacuum all the nooks and crannies, wipe down all the surfaces and ensure that you get rid of any perishable items. This not only keeps your RV smelling fresh but also prevents any potential pest infestations. On the exterior, power washing will help remove any accumulated dirt and grime. This step is crucial to prevent any damage such as corrosion from collected chemicals or build-up of dirt and grime.

Drain Water and Perform Check-Ups on the Water System

Once you have cleaned your RV inside and out, it’s crucial to drain all the water sources to ensure they are still working well. This includes emptying the fresh water, grey water, and blackwater tanks completely. Afterward, you’ll want to conduct a comprehensive check-up on the pipes, faucets, and all other RV systems that rely on water to identify any potential leaks or damages. Taking the time to address these issues before preparing your RV can save you valuable time and prevent unnecessary headaches when you decide to use it again. By paying attention to these important details, you can ensure that your RV remains in optimal condition and ready for your next adventure.

Preparing Your RV Includes Protecting Your RV’s Tires

To ensure the durability of your RV’s tires, it’s crucial to take a few preventative measures before long-term storage. First, properly inflate each tire to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure when preparing your RV for winter. This will help prevent flat spots from forming during the vehicle’s dormancy. Secondly, consider using RV tire covers to shield them from direct sunlight and harsh winter elements, as UV rays and severe cold can cause the rubber to crack over time. Lastly, if possible, try to move the RV occasionally, even just a few feet, to redistribute the weight and further prevent flat spots.

Store Your RV Properly

Finally, it’s time to store your RV in a properly ventilated area. If you have access to an RV storage facility, that would be the ideal place to park your vehicle. Make sure to check for proper ventilation before selecting a storage location. That way, your RV will stay dry and well-ventilated. If you don’t have access to professional storage, you may want to consider using RV covers to protect your RV from the rain and snow and keep it from collecting too much dust.

Final Thoughts on Preparing Your RV for Winter

In conclusion, preparing your RV is not a task to be overlooked. By adhering to these guidelines – giving your RV a thorough cleaning, draining all water, conducting check-ups, taking preventative measures to protect your tires, and storing your RV properly, you ensure the longevity of your vehicle and prevent costly repairs and damages. Remember, your RV is an investment. By taking the correct measures to store your RV during the winter months, you can rest assured that your RV will be ready to hit the road again when the warmer weather arrives. Safe travels!


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