5 Signs It’s Time to Replace an Old AC Unit

Summertime is all about warm weather, pool parties, and enjoying longer days. But there’s nothing worse than coming home to escape the heat and your air conditioner not working properly. While it’s tempting to try and repair your old AC unit, sometimes it’s time to bite the bullet and replace it. Not sure if that’s the case for you yet? Here are 5 signs it’s time to replace an old AC unit.

old a/c unit
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Your AC Unit is Over 10 Years Old

The average lifespan of an AC unit is about 10-15 years. If your AC unit is over 10 years old, it’s probably time to start considering a replacement. Any older than that and you’re just delaying the inevitable. Technology has improved greatly in the last 10 years and installing a new AC unit will help improve efficiency and lower your energy bills.

Your Utility Bills are Skyrocketing

If you’ve noticed an increase in your utility bills, your air conditioning unit may be the cause. Older AC units tend to be less efficient, causing your energy bills to skyrocket. When your AC unit works harder to cool your home, it’s using more energy. Replacing your AC unit with a newer and more energy-efficient model will save you money in the long run.

Your Old AC Unit is Constantly Breaking Down

A harsh reality of owning an old AC unit is frequent breakdowns. Sure, you can continue to repair the unit every time it breaks, but it’s just a matter of time before the cost of repairs outweighs the value of the unit itself. When you combine the cost of repair, with the cost of lost hours, and the hassle of purchasing new parts, it’s more practical to replace the unit with a brand new one.

Your Old AC Unit is Noisy

Does it seem like your AC unit is louder than usual? If so, it’s time to consider a new one. Older models tend to make more noise because they’re working harder to keep your home cool, and tend to shake more violently, which causes more noise. The accumulated wear and tear over the years causes the parts to operate out of sync. A newer, more efficient unit will not only be quieter, but it’ll also keep your home at a comfortable temperature without the added noise.

Your Home Isn’t Comfortable

If your home isn’t being cooled as it should, despite your AC unit being on, it’s definitely time for a replacement. The main purpose of a functioning AC unit is to create a comfortable environment for you and your family. Depending on how long you’ve owned your unit and the level of maintenance it’s been subjected to, the individual parts that make up the unit might have been insufficiently restored, leaving your home pretty uncomfortable despite being on. Getting professionals for a new AC installation will help ensure that your home stays cool and comfortable, even on the hottest of days.

Final Thoughts on Knowing When to Replace an Old AC Unit

Being proactive and replacing your AC unit before it causes any serious damage is the best way to ensure that you stay cool throughout the Summer and Fall seasons, save money on your bills, and have an overall more efficient and reliable AC unit. After all, staying comfortable in your home is crucial for maintaining a happy and healthy home life. Now that you know the 5 signs that your AC unit might be due for a change, you can make an informed decision on whether to replace it or not.


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