Self Harm in Youth

Self-harm in youth is a serious issue that should not be overlooked. It is estimated that as many as 17% of teens are engaging in self-harming behaviors. This number may even be higher due to the secretive nature of such behavior. Self-harm can take many forms. Cutting one’s skin with a razor or other sharp object, burning oneself, or even head banging are just a few. Unfortunately, these behaviors are often seen as attention seeking when in reality, they display an individual’s underlying distress and emotional pain. The long-term effects of self-harm can have serious implications on mental health. Without proper treatment, individuals who engage in self harm may increase their risk for developing depression or anxiety disorders and could potentially become suicidal.

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What is Self-Harm

According to a 2017 study done by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Self-harm has become more prevalent in young people over the years. This kind of behavior encompasses any action taken by an individual that deliberately causes physical harm or injury to their own body.

There are various forms of self-harm. Some common ones include cutting and burning oneself, overdosing on drugs or alcohol, hitting or punching objects or walls without regard for safety, engaging in risky behaviors such as reckless driving, and even excessive exercise. In addition to these physical forms of self-harming behavior, there are other nonphysical ways that teens may harm themselves. They may engage in cyberbullying or send out suicidal messages through social media channels.

Causes of Self-Harm

Self-harm has become an increasingly concerning problem amongst youth today, with the number of reported cases skyrocketing in recent years. This alarming trend can have a serious negative effect on young people’s psychological and physical health. Not to mention the emotional impact it can have on their families. Unfortunately, identifying the root cause for this behavior is often difficult and complex, due to its various forms and motivations.

Most experts agree that self-harming behavior is often caused by underlying mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. This can lead individuals to act out as a form of coping mechanism. Additionally, feeling overwhelmed by daily stressors or having low self-esteem can also be contributing factors.


Youth self-harm is a growing issue that can have devastating consequences. It is often seen as a way to express and cope with intense emotions such as stress or trauma. Unfortunately, the root causes of self-harm in youth are complex and hard to identify.

It is important for parents and teachers to be aware of the signs of self-harm in order to provide support for young people who might be suffering from these issues. Signs may include:

  • unexplained cuts or burn marks on the body
  • wearing clothing that covers up parts of their body
  • isolating themselves from family members or friends
  • engaging in risk taking behaviors
  • expressing feelings such as worthlessness or hopelessness
  • displaying signs of depression and/or anxiety
  • talking about wanting to hurt themselves.


Unfortunately, the effects of self-harm can be long lasting and serious, not only for the individual directly involved but also for those around them. The physical effects of self-harm range from minor cuts and bruises to more severe lacerations, infections, or even organ damage depending on the type of injury inflicted. In addition to these physical risks, individuals who engage in self-harm may suffer from feelings of guilt or shame due to their behavior. They may also develop an unhealthy dependence on the activity as a way to cope with negative emotions.

It is important for those suffering from self-harming behaviors to seek professional help right away in order to minimize any potential harm.

Treatments for Self-Harm in Youth

It is important for individuals struggling with self-harm to seek professional help as soon as possible in order to prevent further injury or harm. Treatment for self-harm typically involves therapy sessions with mental health professionals who specialize in treating the underlying mental illness that might be causing the behavior. Treatment may also include medication such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. These can be helpful in managing feelings of depression or anxiety that may lead to self-harming behaviors.

Final Thoughts

As a parent, it can be difficult to discuss the subject of self-harm in youth. However, it is an important conversation to have. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 10-20% of adolescents consider or engage in self-harm at least once during their lifetime. Self-harm includes behaviors such as cutting, scratching, burning or otherwise causing physical harm to oneself. It can also include binge eating and other forms of emotional numbing.

In order to help prevent self-harm in youth, parents must be aware of potential risk factors such as mental health issues like depression or anxiety; personal relationships with family members or peers that are strained; access to materials used for self-harming; and any prior history of trauma or abuse.

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